Adult Protective Services Utah State Division of Aging and Adult Services

Investigation of allegations of abuse, neglect (including self-neglect) or exploitation of adults with disabilities and elderly adults.
PH: 801-264-7669 – inside of Salt Lake County
PH: 800-371-7897 – outside of Salt Lake County

Disability Law Center

Provides right protection and advocacy services for Utahns with disabilities.
PH: 800-662-9080


This site is an online gateway to diverse federal resources. Healthfinder offers an alphabetical list of resources, toll-free numbers, clinical and non-clinical subject areas, links to glossaries and discussion forums.

Lawyer Referral Service (of the Utah State Bar) 

Referrals for legal services, including guardianship.
PH: 801-531-9075

Utah Department of Human Services: Aging and Adult Services

Provides information about legal matters and resources primarily to older persons and caregivers. 
PH: 801-538-4641

National Family Caregivers Association

Provides information and support for people caring for loved ones that are chronically ill or disabled.

National Guardianship Association

A comprehensive, authoritative source for information, brochures and details on most aspects of guardianship.

Utah State Office of the Public Guardian

Utah residents will find excellent resources through this agency, including information, referral and education about guardianship.
PH: 801-538-8255